When a Plumbing Problem Turns Into an Emergency
Plumbing problems are usually pretty simple and easy to deal with. Got a leak? Replace the pipe. Got a clog? Just unclog it.
But that’s not always 100% true. Plumbing is one of those industries where a certain kind of leak can become a full-blown disaster. Where a “basic clog” turns out to be a 150-ton block of congealed fat.
Okay, so you most likely won’t ever encounter a fatberg, but even your own home can host some frightening plumbing emergencies.
When That Leak Is Underneath Your Kitchen
The longer a leak goes on without being fixed, the more water damage it can create. It will also be the major factor in your rising water bill. Typically, a plumbing emergency can be avoided by detecting and repairing a leak as soon as possible.
However, a slab leak can instantly elevate your average leak into a complete disaster. Slab leaks are leaks that occur right beneath the concrete slabs making up your home’s foundation. The fact that these leaks are underground is a big enough problem as it is. On top of that, the leak will begin to saturate the soil, thus causing those slabs to push up and into your home.
If that leak occurs in a place like your kitchen, you can expect cracked tile floors, puddling, and subsequent water damage.
When That Burst Pipe Just Had to be the Sewer Line
As you can possibly imagine, any issue with your sewer line is not something you want to deal with. The sewer line is a serious biohazard, and definitely not one you’d ever want to attempt DIY services on.
If there’s a leak or a burst pipe in your sewer line, it’s not going to be pretty. First, you’ll start smelling the odor of raw sewage around your home. Depending on where the leak or burst is located, it could easily be inside your house or outside of it.
If it’s outside, you’ll also notice that there’s a fertile and lush patch of grass on your lawn somewhere. This is an indicator of where your leak is! The sewage can act as a fertilizer and turn that part of your lawn extra green.
A burst sewer line can occur when old pipes are subjected to shifting soil. Soil will shift several inches depending on how the weather changes, and that can be enough to snap an old sewer line.
Or if The Pipe That Burst Was the One Transporting Your Drinking Water
If your main water line were to burst, it thankfully won’t be a biohazard, and it’s not going to smell. The downside is that you won’t have any drinking water (or any water).
Suddenly losing your main water line is a huge detriment to your quality of life. Life will come to a halt until you have it fixed. No more showers, no more drinking water, no more washing the dishes or clothes… You get the idea. If that ever happens, make sure to call up an emergency plumber in North Dallas.